Monday, February 24, 2014

Introducing Pilates Training For Everyone

By James Spann

There are very few exercise regimes that involve the body, mind and spirit. Pilates training is one of the few that does. The moves assist in strengthening the body's central core which is focused on the abdomen and the lower back. The exercise routines work outward to the rest of the body and the limbs. Recent mothers looking to lose a little extra weight, athletes attempting to gain strength and stamina and the middle and upper age groups who just want to stay in shape are all perfectly suited to these routines.

The history of this activity is quite captivating. The routines were originally developed in the 1920's by German Joseph Pilates. He used his principles to assist returning soldiers and prisoners of war with rehabilitation and recovery. Dancers also used his techniques to gain strength, grace and stamina.

Making this activity part of your daily regime will strengthen your entire body and give you a along lean look. It will also give individuals more mobility and flexibility if exercises are done on a consistent basis. It is a low-impact activity and will help improve posture and assist in reducing back pain.

Older individuals and those who have not exercised for long periods of time can alter the exercise routines to fit their capabilities and as they grow stronger and more confident in their skills, they can add more difficult moves to their daily exercise sessions. It can be easily combined with a regimen of walking, running or weight lifting.

Most of these exercises are performed on the floor, either on a mat or soft surface. The program does have specific exercises that can be done on machines that were invented by the founder but they are bulky and expensive. Some workout facilities may have some of them in their inventory - ask to see if you can use them.

Try a class in your city or town. You may be able to get a free session just for the asking if you are interested in signing up. DVDs are available for both rent or purchase if classes are out of your price range or there are none nearby. Ask friends to join you when choosing either method of learning the basics to keep the activity from becoming monotonous and dull.

Begin adding these exercises to your daily routines for increased strength and stamina. You will also learn how to control your breathing and increase balance and coordination through this program. Soon you will find yourself feeling much more in shape and able to do tasks and achieve physical goals that you may not have been able to accomplish before. You will become slimmer and leaner as you progress with this regimen.

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