Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why Fitness Over 40 Is More Important Than Ever

By Nora Jennings

Age creeps up on everybody and once the magic age of forty is reached, the body changes. People of forty and older quickly learn that they are not able to do the same things they used to do so effortlessly when they were younger. However, staying fit remains a priority for those that wants to remain healthy and active. Fitness over 40 is definitely not a myth. It is possible to remain in top form, but it is necessary to change the way one exercises.

Once the age of forty is reached the body loses some of its elasticity. The ligaments, cartilage and tendons are much more vulnerable and injuries are a real danger. This is the age to change from high impact to low impact exercises. Aerobics and road running need should be forsaken and exercises such as cycling, walking, swimming and yoga should be considered because they do not pose such a high risk for injuries.

It is very important to focus upon strength exercises once the age of forty is reached. This is because the body starts to lose muscle weight as one grown older and the metabolism also slows down. The only way in which to prevent muscle loss is to do strength training. This type of exercise also increases the elasticity of the joints. It has proven to increase bone density too.

Many studies have shown that those over the age of forty that exercises regularly live longer than those that get no or very little exercise. Many people follow strict exercise regimes earlier in their lives because they want to look good. After the age of forty the focus changes. Exercise then serve to help prevent disease and to maintain a steady weight.

Some people see exercise as a punishment. This should certainly not be the case. Being fit is a joy and it allows people to enjoy life to the full. It is not necessary to subscribe to rigorous exercise routines to get fit. Many ordinary activities such as playing golf, walking the dog or working in the garden can help people to remain in shape.

Experts agree that stretching exercise become even more important after the age of forty. Because the supportive network of the body is less elastic, even low impact exercises can cause strain and injury. The solution is to stretch often and definitely before doing any exercise, even informal exercises such as gardening. Stretching exercises not only prevent injuries but also help to improve flexibility.

People that have been inactive for some time need to consult a doctor before they embark upon any exercise regime. This is especially important for those suffering from any chronic disease. It may also be useful to hire the services of an experienced fitness trainer, at least for a time. Another option is to join an exercise group for people of similar age such as those found in Atlanta GA.

Getting fit should be a very important priority for all people aged forty or above. Fit people simply enjoy a better quality of life and they live longer than their unfit peers. Getting fit can be fun and it can do wonders for the self esteem.

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