Saturday, April 12, 2014

Liquid Diet Recipe Review

By Susan Field

This is a brand new breed of liquid-diet-plan is based around a clever step-by-step system.

If you are like me and have tried nearly every way under the sun to lose weight, then I recommend this new system to you. It's simple, cheap and has a free trial period.

Why this diet works were others fail?

I have done a standard old fashioned meal replacement diet before and they are not very satisfying and the results don't last.

The ones I mean are slimming diets were you buy a load of fake cheap powdered milk and pay a fortune to starve for a week.

When on a slimming packet diet I always think I'd be better off drinking milk as the sachets have little or no food value apart from sugar and vegetable protein.

Any one of these systems that sells you a product that you add milk too can only work to help you cut calories, and will often leave you feeling hungry. The worst thing about them for me is that after the initial 2 weeks of sachets my food cravings were much worse.

In my opinion sachet meal replacement diets are the least effective as they make you unhappy and only offer water weight loss, and all the time you are hungry your brain is thinking about cheeseburgers!

Diet and fitness practitioners have commented that this starvation approach to dieting does NOT work and may in fact cause weight gain later on.

How can I benefit from a real and effective liquid diet?

So if you are looking for a refreshing change, look at this new diet plan.

Point one, No starvation is required for this plan to really benefit you.

Instead the liquid diet plan feeds your hunger with high quality nutrition.

Let me explain how it works. Hunger signals are not generated by lack of calories alone. Most experts now agree that the body 'craves' nutrition and needs certain foods too.

In effect what I mean is that it's possible and likely that you have been over eating poor quality calories. Trouble is that if those calories were from poor quality sources your hunger signals won't stop asking for what is missing from your diet.

If we were to think of hunger as a number of empty slots that our body has to fill in order to shut off all hunger signals, then we can begin to understand how by filling those hunger slots we could feel full and satisfied.

Simply put, if you eat a well designed balance of nutritious foods then you will not feel hungry.

The real genius of this system is that it feeds the primary requirements first so we can consume fewer calories and feel full for longer.

Quality over quantity

The clever design of the liquid diet plan uses this knowledge to crate optimum recipes for the replacement diet.

Summing it all up

Rather than choosing an old style starvation diet, the kind that has kept people fat for 30 years.

Visit the website at the liquid diet plan for a FREE getting started course.

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