Thursday, July 18, 2013

Helpful Information About Wisconsin Concealed Carry Laws

By Tonia Merritt

Wisconsin concealed carry laws have been recently enacted that expand the rights of people to use firearms. For those who want to use a firearm to defend themselves, the first step is to educate themselves about these new regulations. Fortunately, it is not difficult to learn exactly what the law demands of those seeking to obtain a permit.

Contact the appropriate state agencies to learn exactly what is required to get a permit. Most states have good internet web pages that can answer many of your questions. Some examples of the things an applicant needs to know are the age requirements and if those who have been convicted of a felony are allowed to apply for a permit.

Because the permit application is a legal document, there are penalties for not answering all the application questions honestly. Make sure to follow all the instruction completely. Do not hesitate to get clarification if you do have questions. Keep in mind that false information on a permit application could result in criminal charges. At the very least, not completing the application properly could delay getting your permit.

The second amendment to the United States Constitution provides the right of citizens to bear arms. This provision is open to interpretation. Some legal experts think that the second amendment is referring to a well regulated militia. Other legal experts believe that this amendment means that every individual has the right to own a gun.

Notwithstanding one's political views regarding an individual's right to own a firearm, it is important to thoroughly understand what the state law is. It is incumbent upon the gun owner to understand their obligations as well as their rights. If a gun owner is not truthful and law abiding, they may lose the precious right to carry a firearm.

Many states require training before a person can get a permit. Training classes are conducted at at rifle clubs, gun shops, and shooting ranges. Most people need to be trained properly in order to use a weapon safely. Owning a gun is a huge responsibility. This is why a person must take the necessary steps to comply with the law and receive the required education.

People own guns for different reasons. Some people own firearms for hunting. Hunting is an important facet of the American way of life. Other people enjoy target shooting. More people are now owning guns for protection. These people feel safer knowing they can protect themselves if they are attacked by violent criminals. No matter what your reasons are for owning a handgun or rifle, it is the individual's responsibility to use these weapons in a responsible manner.

Wisconsin concealed carry laws have changed recently to allow more individuals to obtain the necessary permits. For these laws to have a positive effect on society, gun owners must comply with the laws. Otherwise, there could be a backlash which could restrict gun rights.

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